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Tape Conversion with on-going Voice Call Management

Using NICE’s Audio Examiner program, audio tapes are forensically examined and each voice interaction is indexed into an “audio segment”. It then writes these segments into long term storage, and evidence of the success or failure of extraction of each segment of data. Reporting of the process is made available via a flexible reporting server, ensuring audit points are met.

As part of the tape migration service, the Audio Examiner imports the information extracted from the tapes into the new recorder database and adds a retention value to converted calls. In addition, a global stop deletion setting can be assigned to all of the converted data. Finally, migration of the source database is added to the new Compliance Replay Server to offer enrichment of the metadata and user information.

Call Interaction Replay

Producing recorded call or a voice interaction is essential to compliance adherence, audits and even during litigation. The most common method of call-retention is using analog tapes. This means that calls are recorded into large amounts of unarchived data. Searching through audio data is time consuming, and the metadata is not indexed, limiting search capability. Tapes have to be manually mounted to be replayed for review. After finding a valid tape containing recorded interactions through indicated period of time, each call is replayed in order until the correct calls are found.

Simple To Use

Audio Examiner is the only solution that offers the customer everything they need to manage the converted tape and database data on a long-term ongoing basis. The NICE Compliance Replay Server provides secure access to the indexed recordings for search and replay purposes. The server will also provides ongoing content management capabilities, ensuring full retention of archived interactions. The Compliance Replay Server can even be linked to “Fusion”, the NICE enterprise server, for seamless integration with the wider recording application suit, providing a single portal for full compliance management.

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