Products & Applications
Computer Infrastructure
Computer Infrastructure
IT / Networking
Equipment and software relating to IT and networking infrastructure including: Computers / Hubs / Switches / Routers
Hosting / Storage / Backup (BU) and Disaster Recovery (DR)
All equipment and software relating to hosting, including: VDI / Storage / Backup and Disaster Recovery
Various equipment and software relating to security, including firewalls, Cybersecurity Simulators and Applications
RPA/Advanced Process Automation
Back Office/Front Office
Equipment and software for Telecom including: Phones / Phone Lines / Phone applications / Faxes
Contact Center
Equipment and software for Contact Centers including: Call Center Management Outbound / Inbound / E-mail / SMS / Agent Management
Recording / QA / Work Force Management / Analytics
Electronics / Parts / Appliances
Special Peripherals/Custom Appliances
RF Amplifiers
Specialty Electronics (through partners) SMT/Cabling
Get in touch with Us.
Start your project with us. We’d love to work with you. When you’re ready to talk, send us a note via the contact form. CGS have been designed to provide the best reliability in the industry, with fault-tolerant components and near-zero downtime. But should you have questions, our support staff is anxious to help.