Resource efficiency
Eliminate hardware, software and maintenance costs, by hosting actual storage drives off-site at a our data center.
Eliminate hardware, software and maintenance costs, by hosting actual storage drives off-site at a our data center.
Be proactive and adaptive protection against privacy and security breaches with continuous data protection.
Use a straight forward, efficient and expedited data recovery.
Protect yourself from any disaster natural , infrastructure failure or otherwise compromised IT environment
Use our private, government-rated data center, which is entirely compliant with the full range of applicable regulations for your business
Deliver and respond to the potential myriad requirements of regulatory compliance – as well as electronic discovery.
Small businesses need to preserve IT budget, while protecting their data with backup and disaster recovery strategy. With CGS’s cloud backup there are significant cost, space and energy savings. Operations are streamlined and automated, which reduces time and limit resource utilization.
Having data in the cloud allows your customers to have access to their data anytime, anywhere. As long as there is access to the Internet, all files are readily available, and can be accessed using any device. The latest version is always a click away, there is no need to go to the office to see that important file.
It’s important to keep a copy of your business data offsite. Even if it is backed up to a local backup device, a hurricane, flood, fire or theft could destroy your local device… and backups. Keeping business data backed up to the cloud ensures resiliency, and a quick disaster recovery cycle, in case disaster strikes.
Cloud backup solutions have made ongoing management and restoration straight-forward. With just a few clicks of the mouse, backed up files can be located and restored.
Time is one of the most commonly stated reasons companies aren’t backing up their data. Cloud backup doesn’t require an additional time commitment. Computer files are backed up to the cloud automatically and continuously.
When you are ready, we’d love to hear from you.